Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Social Welfare to Student Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Social Welfare to Student - Research Proposal Example Nevertheless, several of the undergraduate students consider social welfare policy to be disinteresting (Popple & Leighninger; Woik, Pray, Weismiller & Dempsey). Some of the students like working only with people and families and are not interested in macro-level issues. Some others do not have enough experience in tackling with the major troubles, thus they have to be striving with the thinking of incompetence to comprehend social welfare policies. Still others find that it is difficult to apply policy structures to the political, economic and socio-cultural complications which are a part of the social welfare troubles. There is a theory that by using experimental styles for teaching students about the social welfare policy, they would be able to attain more knowledge and skill regarding their work on social and economic justice matters. In this study a comparison of two kinds of ways will be presented. One way is by teaching about social welfare policy as a service learning course while the other incorporates social welfare policy into the learners' class experience. This study has been undertaken in order to provide the teachers and students with the information regarding the methods of teaching about the issue at hand. This was the motivation. Through this they can discover the ways of teaching effectively. Many know about the students' disinterestedness in matters regarding social welfare policy. ... Several of the teachers have seen this for themselves and have noticed how such feelings may rise to such heights that they do not allow the learner to absorb the new information, employ logical structures, and reflect on the probabilities for social action. Although these troubles are troubling a survey for the graduates revealed that they feel that their education did not help them as much in social welfare policy as it did for doing direct service (Anderson & Harris, 511-512). Service learning is being noticed a lot in social work partially because of the experimental pedagogy of service learning is congruent to the social work's feasible focus, and both stress on the requirement of addressing the social difficulties. Initiating at the position at which the patron is a hallmark of social work practice which is strengthened in service-learning programs prerequisite that the society and not the leaner is the one defining the difficult and the actions which they would carry out so as to tackle with it (Jacoby & Associates; Weigert). Likewise, service learning modules, for example social work, are defined through a meaning of reciprocity and empathy in people's relations (Enos & Troppe; Eyler & Giles; Rhoads). Furthermore, service learning stresses on consideration together with the act so as to allow the students to raise their consciousness and to challenge their rulings concerning the social troubles like poverty, tyranny, and communal prejudice. This syste m promotes the stress of social work on morals explanation and its augmented dedication to tackle the issues of communal and monetary unfairness. In spite of there existing a match between service education and social work, there are not many social welfare policy modules that

Monday, October 28, 2019

History and Comparison of Windows, Linux, and Apple Essay Example for Free

History and Comparison of Windows, Linux, and Apple Essay An operating system is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources. Most operating systems perform similar functions that include starting and shutting down a computer, providing a user interface, managing programs, managing memory, coordinating tasks, configuring devices, establishing an Internet connection, monitoring performance, providing file management and other utilities, and automatically updating itself and certain utility programs (Shelly p. 398). There are three major operating systems that exist today that are going to be compared to decide which operating system could be best for different user purposes. The three operating systems are Windows, Linux, and Apple. Windows operating system is developed and maintained by Microsoft in Seattle, WA. The Microsoft Company was developed by Bill Gates. The first version of the Windows operating system was released in 1985, and has been the leading operating system used by 90% of users (Satyam). It is used by the Server 2008 R2 (Satyam). Windows is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) which allows its users to manage files and run software programs easily on desktop and laptop computers (Satyam). On the desktop, icons are used to represent programs that are easy to find and can be clicked to easily access and run the program of choice. Windows is also very popular because of its user interface programs such as Microsoft Office, which include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, and Microsoft Office Outlook. Windows also has a great reputation for its high and efficient security. Some popular Windows editions are Win 98, Win 2000, Win Me, Windows NT, Windows CE, Win 2003, Win XP, Win Vista and Windows 7 ( Satyam). Windows 8 is now the new successor of Windows 7 and is now available. Linux (Linus’ Unix) is a leading server operating system, and is used for running the top 10 fastest supercomputers in the world (Satyam). Linus Torwalds created Linux, and is the current owner of the Linux Trademark (Satyam). LIndows, Lycoris, Red Hat, SuSe, Mandrake, Knopping, Slackware are the various companies that distribute the Linux operating system (Satyam). NASlite is a version of the Linux operating system that runs off of a single floppy disk and converts an old computer into a file server (Satyam). Some popular versions of Linux include Debian, Fedora, and Red Hat. This operating system is ranked just below Windows operating system, but is quickly becoming popular and is predicted to give future Windows some tough competition. Since 1984, Mac OS 9 had been Apple’s primary operating system, but has been recently succeeded by Mac OS X. Mac OS X is a sequence of Unix-based operating systems and GUI’s developed, marketed and sold by Apple (Satyam). Mac OS X is user friendly, and is popular for its plug-and-play support, which means the operating system automatically configures new devices as they are installed (Shelly p. 408). As stated in the beginning of this paper, Windows, Linux, and Apple are the three most popular operating systems with Windows as the most popular of the three with 85% to 90% of personal computers using this operating system (Satyam). Compared to Windows, Mac is used by fewer people, but is more reliable and less likely to fail than Windows OS because of Mac regularly monitoring and the software and hardware add-ons. Linux is the least popular of the three and is based on UNIX, which has been used for more than three decades that now powers about 90% of Web sites (Satyam). Compared to both Mac and Windows, Linux is an open source project, meaning anyone can modify the Linux Code (Satyam). Linux offers great security and flexibility compared to Windows and Mac, but it takes a great deal of knowledge to install and operate the Linux operating system. Linux is also very much less expensive or even free compared to Windows operating system. When using a server, Linux is much cheaper compared to Windows because Microsoft only allows only a single copy to be used on one computer. However, once Linux is purchased, it can be used on any number of computers at no additional charge (Satyam). Windows can make it difficult for users to store user information and settings and switch to a new computer, but Linux stores the user’s data in the home directory, making it easier to transfer from an old to a new computer (Satyam). In conclusion, Linux is much more secure, reliable, flexible, and more cost efficient than Windows or Mac, but much more difficult to install, understand and operate, it is ideal for industry sectors. Windows and Mac operating systems are much easier for personal use and require less knowledge than Linux operating system. Windows and Mac, however, are more expensive, but are more widely used than Linux, with Windows leading the three in popularity. References Shelly, G. B., Vermaat, M. E. (2011). Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World, Complete (pp. 398-408). Boston, MA: Course Technology, Cengage Learning. Satyam. (2011, June 29). Windows, Linux or Mac OS A Comparison. In HackDigital. Retrieved September 26, 2012, from Google.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Letters From The Samantha :: essays research papers

An interesting short story is "Letters from The Samantha" by Mark Helpin. This story tells the fascinating tale, in the form of never sent letters, of an ape brought aboard an iron-hulled sailing ship in 1909 by Samson Low, the ship’s captain. Although the author makes a point to tell the reader, through Samson Low, that the animal does not symbolize anything or mean anything, in fact, "He stands for nothing" (280), several arguments can be made to contradict this. One could argue that the ape symbolized the untamed and rarely used wild side of Samson Low through a comparison of their personalities, appearances, and the way they are treated by others. Samson Low was a captain of a ship owned by the Green Star Line. He is a stickler for rules and the proper code of conduct. When writing to his company, he reminds them of "the complete absence of disciplinary action against me" (271). This serves to highlight that he has never been in trouble or bro ken the rules. He is comfortable and comforted by his pattern of obedience and thinks others must be as well: "Though my subordinates sometimes complain, they are grateful no doubt, for my firm rule and tidiness" (271). His ship is always on time or even ahead of schedule. The picture painted is of a steady, reliable, conservative man who always does the appropriate thing in a situation. However, a typhoon the ship sails through reveals a different, less predictable side. When describing the typhoon, Samson thinks, "I confess that I have wished to be completely taken up by such a thing, to be lifted into the clouds†¦" (272). This is hardly the thought of a truly buttoned-down man. He also imagines surrendering to the seas, "But I have not, and will not." (272). While he seems content with his life, Samson Low’s secret yearnings sometimes show through. It is because of this Samson seems jealous of the ape and the things it has experienced. Sa mson has only dreamed while the ape has actually lived. The ape, when first aboard, climbs the rigging to the highest point from there he has a total view of the ship below and all that goes on much like a "pharaonic" captain would do. While in the rigging the ape shrieks and hollers frightening the crew until the captain climbs up to it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Have North Americans Stopped Caring Essay

In Chapter 7 of Interest-Group Participation in American Democracy, an online source, an interest group is defined as an â€Å"organization or association of people with common interests that engages in politics on behalf of its members† (190). Since people cannot directly participate in governance, they associate themselves with groups that aim to change the political landscape. According to the same source, the rights of individuals to form such groups are protected by the Constitution (213). In spite of this, there seems to be a decline in participation of these groups. This paper aims to explain why. One of the factors that caused the said decline may be attributed to the dominance of the elite in political campaigns. In the past, citizens who share a common goal volunteered their time and energy to these endeavors. Today, campaigns require mammoth financial backing up to fund campaign activities opening doors for big corporations and the wealthy to make hefty contributions. The bottom line in the political industry is this: financial capital – the wherewithal for mass marketing – has steadily replaced social capital – that is, grassroots citizen networks – as the coin of the realm. † (Putnam, 39 – 40) An increase in cynicism is another cause for the decline in participation. According to Morris P. Firiona, people feel that only the â€Å"extreme voices† are heard leaving the â€Å"moderate middle† a couple of steps behind (395-425). Firiona also asserts that the transparency in the workings of the government showed people how messy policy making can get (Firiona, 395-425). However, it is important to note that the disillusionment is not completely depleting participation. Interest-Group Participation in American Democracy argues that the advancements in technology allow individuals to get involved without needing to go out to the streets to proclaim what they believe is right (204). With just a few clicks on the internet, current events unfold before the readers eyes. Discussion and blog sites are avenues which people take to express their thoughts and sentiments. These non-traditional means of participation are more convenient and less energy-consuming. These are popular especially among the youth who, according to Warren E. Miller and J. Merrill Shanks, have grown apathetic compared to previous generations (69). The dominance of certain groups such as the elite and the extremists, the increase in distrust in the government, and the waning of youth involvement are only some of the reasons why there is a decline in participation. This does not mean that citizens have stopped caring. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, non-traditional means of contribution is gaining momentum in this modern age.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Research on Liquid Waste Management Essay

The topic we are selected for our research is â€Å"LIQUID WASTE MANAGEMENTS IN VAGAMON†. This topic has a wide scope for research. In order to conduct an exploratory research, we will start doing the location analysis. For that we will collect data on the population, households, population density, factories, labours, sanitation, water reserves†¦etc. Based on the data collected, we select a sample frame where the population density is high and which will be a true representative of vagamon as a whole. In order to find out the objectives of descriptive research, we will frame a questionnaire to find out the problems they are facing due to liquid wastes in their daily lives. Read Also:  What Topics Can Be Good to Do an Exploratory Essay? Based on the similar answers, we will set the objectives for the descriptive study. Next step of exploratory research will be conducted inside the factory and its premises. We will frame a questionnaire for the factory personnel to be answered to find out the liquid wastes the factories are producing and how they are processed. Then we will be conducting an exploratory research among the people living in the factory premises and will find out how the liquid wastes affecting their lives. By integrating all data collected from factories, households, and the secondary data collected from the village authorities, we will set objectives for the descriptive research. The steps for our research is 1. Collect the details of households, population, factory’s from panchayat. 2. Collect the details about the existing rules & regulations followed by panchayat for controlling the liquid waste. 3. Collect the details about the existing sanitation facilities exist in households & factory’s. The main objectives of our descriptive research are 1. To find out the various liquid waste management techniques presently using by the households and factory’s. 2. To know about the efficiency of current liquid waste management. 3. To know whether the waste water affect the public health. 4. To know about the opinion of people about the recycling of waste water.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Narcissism

On Narcissism: Psychological Theories and Therapeutic Interventions in the Narcissistic Disorders Introduction Understanding the Narcissistic Phenomenon The so called ‘narcissistic personality disorder’ is a complex and often misunderstood disorder. The cardinal feature of the narcissistic personality is the grandiose sense of self importance, but paradoxically underneath this grandiosity the narcissist suffers from a chronically fragile low self esteem. The grandiosity of the narcissist, however, is often so pervasive that we tend to dehumanize him or her. The narcissist conjures in us images of the mythological character Narcissus who could only love himself, rebuffing anyone who attempted to touch him. Nevertheless, it is the underlying sense of inferiority which is the real problem of the narcissist, the grandiosity is just a facade used to cover the deep feelings of inadequacy. The Makeup of the Narcissistic Personality The narcissist’s grandiose behavior is designed to reaffirm his or her sense of adequacy. Since the narcissist is incapable of asserting his or her own sense of adequacy, the narcissist seeks to be admired by others. However, the narcissist’s extremely fragile sense of self worth does not allow him or her to risk any criticism. Therefore, meaningful emotional interactions with others are avoided. By simultaneously seeking the admiration of others and keeping them at a distance the narcissist is usually able to maintain the illusion of grandiosity no matter how people respond. Thus, when people praise the narcissist his or her grandiosity will increase, but when criticized the grandiosity will usually remain unaffected because the narcissist will devalue the criticizing person. Akhtar (1989) [as cited in Carson P. 271] discusses six areas of pathological functioning which characterize the narcissist. In particular, four of these narcissistic character traits bes... Free Essays on Narcissism Free Essays on Narcissism On Narcissism: Psychological Theories and Therapeutic Interventions in the Narcissistic Disorders Introduction Understanding the Narcissistic Phenomenon The so called ‘narcissistic personality disorder’ is a complex and often misunderstood disorder. The cardinal feature of the narcissistic personality is the grandiose sense of self importance, but paradoxically underneath this grandiosity the narcissist suffers from a chronically fragile low self esteem. The grandiosity of the narcissist, however, is often so pervasive that we tend to dehumanize him or her. The narcissist conjures in us images of the mythological character Narcissus who could only love himself, rebuffing anyone who attempted to touch him. Nevertheless, it is the underlying sense of inferiority which is the real problem of the narcissist, the grandiosity is just a facade used to cover the deep feelings of inadequacy. The Makeup of the Narcissistic Personality The narcissist’s grandiose behavior is designed to reaffirm his or her sense of adequacy. Since the narcissist is incapable of asserting his or her own sense of adequacy, the narcissist seeks to be admired by others. However, the narcissist’s extremely fragile sense of self worth does not allow him or her to risk any criticism. Therefore, meaningful emotional interactions with others are avoided. By simultaneously seeking the admiration of others and keeping them at a distance the narcissist is usually able to maintain the illusion of grandiosity no matter how people respond. Thus, when people praise the narcissist his or her grandiosity will increase, but when criticized the grandiosity will usually remain unaffected because the narcissist will devalue the criticizing person. Akhtar (1989) [as cited in Carson P. 271] discusses six areas of pathological functioning which characterize the narcissist. In particular, four of these narcissistic character traits bes...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Negotiation Report Essays

Negotiation Report Essays Negotiation Report Paper Negotiation Report Paper Introduction Korea has been in a state of chaos for some time. They have survived many times of turmoil, such as the Korean War in 1950 that lasted until 1953. The ending of this war did not settle the civil dispute. There are many contradicting areas in Korea that effect business, for example, communist vs. anti communist, religious and non religious, idealist and collectivist, and those that are willing to work each other. Also Korea has a fear of doing business with Japan. Japans market is considerable larger than their and they worry that if business is done with Japan they would be overshadowed. This lack of interest to do business with Japan is also due to historical influences in Korea’s past Negotiation is a crucial aspect of all interorganizational relationships. No matter if it is a strategic alliance, joint venture, merger, acquisition, or just a sale of a product and a service, negotiation is a part that one cannot due without. As the section of international to domestic trade increases, so does the occurrence of business negotiations among people from different countries and cultures. Negotiation is a process in which at least one individual tries to persuade another individual to change his or her ideas or behaviors. And our groups focus is an investigation into negotiating orientations and behaviors of South Korea in comparison to that of the US. Basic Concept of Negotiation Process Distributive versus Integrative In the twelve dimensions of cross-cultural negotiations, we first start off by looking at the general model, in which consists of two components. The first component which is the basic concept of the negotiation process includes two aspects, distributive and integrative. In the distributive perspective, negotiators â€Å"believe that there will be one winner and one loser,† and in order to do so, the negotiator needs to establish a kind of dominance in the negotiation process. Negotiators with these characteristics display a strong sense of individual concerns, and they have little interest or concern for others. Negotiators with an integrative perspective on the other hand believe that â€Å"mutually beneficial solutions can be generated. Integrative negotiators tend to take a problem solving approach in order to better exchange information, where they can focus on the different interests of both parties to find a common ground, and effective solution. South Koreans lie on the high end of the integrative perspective. They share their information about their own interests, but also seek to obtain information about the other party’s interests. During a negotiation, both party’s react to each other’s arguments until both negotiators reach an agreement. Most Significant Type of Issue Task-Based versus Relationship-Based Contacts and personal relationships are very important, since South Koreans tend be suspicious of people whom they do not know or those with whom they do not have mutual contact. Koreans want to do business with people whom they have formed a personal connection with or whereby a mutual mediator, friend or acquaintance has made an introduction. Drinking is often the introduction to any business negotiation done in South Korea. Some South Korean businesspeople often believe that they will get to know a business partner far better after having a few drinks. They also use drinking locations to resolve a sensitive problem or to close a difficult business deal. In order to establish a more personal relationship, South Koreans may ask extremely personal questions regarding their counterpart’s age, salary, education, religion, and family life. If individuals feel uncomfortable and don’t want to answer, the appropriate course of action would be to remain polite but try to gracefully sidestep the questions asked. In most cases, South Koreans make these inquires because they think that they can establish a relationship by finding common denominators. These questions may also be asked in order to determine their counterpart’s status, which means everything in the South Korean culture. For the age/status conscious Koreans, it is important to guess and know the approximate age or relative status of their counterparts. When a negotiation in South Korea finally takes place, personal relationships usually take priority over business. Often, the first meeting is used in getting to know their counterpart and to establish a bond. When served a cup of tea or a cup of coffee at the beginning of the meeting, these are usually accepted as an offering of hospitality even though the individual may have had several cups already. They aren’t required to drink it all, but drinking some would show a sign of respect. In South Korea, an individual should always keep a formal appearance as long as their counterpart does, and should refrain from appearing overly friendly. Giving gifts to acquire favors or to build relationships is also a common practice in a business setting in South Korea. Good gifts for a first trip may include office items with the representing company’s logo or something that is commemorative of their home region, but shouldn’t be items made in undeveloped countries, unless they are cultural icons or souvenirs. It is also very common to be invited out after business hours to a restaurant or bar where there will be a lot of alcohol served. If a person doesn’t enjoy drinking, they can gently ask their host where and to what kind of place they are going. They can choose not to join them by giving valid reasons. For South Koreans, informal outings are an important part of establishing and judging the character of the other person. Also, a person should be aware that comments and promises made on these occasions can be taken seriously afterwards. A respectful, lasting connection is the basis for a successful business relationship in South Korea. To solidify this rapport, it is important that a person remains sincere and honest in their business dealings. Keeping in touch after the meeting is also very important. Selection of Negotiators Abilities versus Status In South Korea, the status of the individual is more important than their abilities. For example, when entering a group meeting, the senior member of the party should enter the room first, then the next highest ranking person, and so on. Moreover, the South Koreans will be seated according to their rank and guests must seat appropriately with their counterparts. Another aspect of their status culture involves gifts. When gifts are given to several people within a South Korean organization, a gift of greater value must be given to the senior representative. The gifts given to that person’s subordinates may be similar, as long as they are of lesser value than the one given to their superior. An alternative measure may be giving a gift that the whole team can enjoy. Since people are judged according to their status in South Korea, their status should be emphasized on a business card. This gives the recipient an idea of that individual’s job responsibility and assists him or her in determining the amount of decision-making authority they have. Most importantly, knowing an individual’s status assists a person’s contact in matching with a person who is of a similar rank. When selecting a negotiation team, an effort should be made to find out who will be the participants in the South Korean delegation. Then, it must be ensured that the people chosen to represent a country match the rank of the South Korean members. A mismatch may prove to be embarrassing to both sides. Sending a senior representative can be perceived as a sign of serious interest and commitment. In South Korea, presidents, supervisors and managers tend to have more power over their subordinates than they might have in a similar Western organization. It is so embedded, that it very difficult for a Korean to criticize or go against what his or her senior thinks or wants. Consequently, subordinates have little choice, but to follow their seniors’ instructions. Furthermore, depending on the corporate culture, some may have more egalitarian relationships. Presidents, especially those in larger organizations, typically assign responsibility. When introduced to people occupying high positions in South Korea, they will sometimes know little about the particular project, and will refer an individual to the appropriate person. Presidents and supervisors will often trust dependable subordinates, so it is important not to offend or ignore the lower ranks. Individual’s Aspirations Individual versus Community South Korea is a collectivist culture, so the group, rather than the individual, succeeds. Loyalty to family and friends is very important. There is strong feeling of interdependency among the members of the group. South Koreans tend to think in â€Å"group terms† rather than â€Å"individual terms† for two reasons: Confucianism and patriotism. Therefore, it may be helpful to argue for group benefits in order to close a deal. South Korean negotiators tend to incorporate structures and the concept of family into their negotiating style. That is, in the traditional family, the father is the unquestioned authority with almost absolute power. The father bears the full responsibility for the welfare and future of the family. Similarly, South Korean negotiators employ a strong authoritarian style in order to obtain the greatest benefit for their community, while still seeking the advice of other group members. South Korea still observes the Confucian ethics based on a strong belonging to the group. You could say that they often think in group terms. In other words, what is in the best interest of the group or how can harmony within the group be maintained. Hence, the majority of South Koreans are intensely patriotic, calling South Korea by the term, â€Å"oo-ri-na-ra,† meaning our country. Therefore, with that in mind, the benefits to the group, whether it is to the company or country, should be persuasively put forth in order to close a business deal. Internal Decision-Making Process Independent versus Consensus In South Korea, decisions are made with the consensus of the group, with deference given to the oldest or senior member. The senior member takes the initiative in making the decision, but they consult extensively with the other group members. What is more impressive is that the decisions are based more on emotion and concern for the harmony of the group rather than just cold bottom-line calculations. Since a consensus is important, there are usually lengthy discussions before decisions are made. As result, South Korean business negotiations will usually take longer when compared to Western cultures, so patience will be necessary. Orientation Toward Time Monochronic versus Polychronic After taking a look at the role of the individual, we now need to look at interaction dispositions during a negotiation. The three components in this section, orientation toward time, risk-taking propensity, and basis of trust all contribute to the dispositions of interaction during a negotiation. In the orientation toward time component two aspects stand out for comparison, monochronic and polychronic. Since the orientation toward time dimension refers to the value each party places on time, in monochronic cultures people pay attention to and handle tasks one at a time. And in polychronic cultures people also do schedule appointments but they will â€Å"complete a task or conclude a meeting even if it is necessary to go beyond time originally set aside for that particular task. † South Korean negotiators come from more of a polychronic culture. They place greater emphasis on personal interaction than on keeping to a schedule. They probably feel that time is never wasted, because taking time to know their counterparts and building a relationship is an important task. Risk-Taking Propensity Risk Averse versus Risk Tolerant The second component in the dispositions of interaction is risk-taking propensity. This refers to negotiators’ willingness to take risks. In this component there are two dimensions as well, risk-averse and risk tolerant. Risk-averse negotiators will take steps to avoid the risk of failing to come to an agreement, and risk tolerant negotiators adopt a perspective that there is a level of acceptable risk that should be taken in a negotiation. Risk tolerant negotiators show greater willingness to run the risk of failing to come to an agreement by making fewer concessions or by demanding more. South Korean negotiators tend to be on the risk-averse side, because they may be more likely to make concessions in order to avoid the risk of failing to come to an agreement. They may also â€Å"accept lower rewards for a higher probability of success. † Basis of Trust External to the Parties versus Internal to the Relationship The last component in the dispositions of interaction is the basis of trust. Trust is â€Å"one party’s belief that the other party will take action to honor agreements that have been reached. † In this case there are two aspects of this trust, one external to the parties, and the other is internal to the relationship. In the external to the parties situation, negotiators trust the other party because a contract has been negotiated and agreed to, which can be litigated and enforced. And in the internal to the relationship situation, negotiators trust the other party because they have invested in a relationship that has been built up over time and they believe that the other party is committed to it. The South Korean negotiators lie on the high end of the internal to the relationship aspect, because like most other Asian countries, relationships between parties are what matters the most. Negotiators expect that the other party will consider unique and changing written circumstances over the life of the relationship, and they think that a trust worthy partner is one who strives to maintain the relationship possible by modifying an existing contact to reflect new developments. Concern with Protocol Informal vs. Formal The process of negotiating with another culture is one of the most important factors in a successful transaction. If there is not enough research, and a company decides to enter a venture blindfolded it could be disastrous. There are roughly five steps involved in the negotiating process, preparation, relationship building, exchanging task-related information, persuasion, and finally an agreement. These are not necessarily a set order and they are often intertwined with one another. Also involved in these segments are concerns with protocol, style of communication, nature of persuasion, and the type of agreement. Over the course of the next few pages the negotiation process will be discussed in-depth about dealing with South Korean affiliates. South Koreans are informal dealing with business situations and concentrate on relationship building. They prefer to develop a relationship with their business associates. They also expect to continue the relationship after negotiation is finished. This also means that it may take more time to actually begin business. Dinner, lunch, tea, alcoholic beverages and night life, such as Karaoke, are possible social events that could be used as means of getting to know your business affiliate or for further negotiation. Korean men often compete with drinking; it is not uncommon for a friend to be holding up another friend due to intoxication. It is also an insult if someone buys a drink and it is not accepted. This socializing creates trust in a new business partner and although informal, it allows for a smoother negotiation process. After a few socializing events, business meetings are still informal. When the meeting begins tea is served and then after small talk, negotiation commences. Then through out the meeting smoke breaks may occur regularly, since a majority of the people in South Korea smoke. According to Executive Planet. com, â€Å"Let’s make a deal-Part 1†, â€Å"During negotiations, some Koreans will jump from one topic to another, rather than following the agenda. Similar questions may be asked on numerous occasions by different negotiators†. This is how South Koreans gather their information. They are informal, and do not have a linear time frame. They like for a question to be answer immediately after it has entered their head. They are not concerned with getting off track or continuing a meeting to another date. South Koreans are also occasionally late for appointments. This is not uncommon in there culture. It is understood that traffic or a personal inconvenience has developed and they will be at the appointment shortly. Style of Communication Low-Context vs. High Context Communication is not simply relaying an idea. In South Korea people are higher context than Americans. High context means that, â€Å"feelings and thoughts are not explicitly expressed; instead, one has to read between the lines and interpret meaning from one’s general understanding† (Managing across boarder, p. 137). Communication has many different faces, such as verbal and nonverbal. In South Korea the nonverbal plays a much higher role in communication than does the verbal information on its own. Nonverbal consist of kenesic behavior, proxemics, paralanguage and object language. A list of nonverbal communication is listed below (Managing across borders, p. 136) ?Facial expressions ?Body posture ?Gestures with hands, arms, head, ect. ? Interpersonal distance ? Touching, body contact ? Eye contact ? Clothing, cosmetics, hairstyle, jewelry ?Paralanguage (voice pitch and inflections, rate of speech, and silence ? Color symbolism ?Attitude toward time and the use of time in business and social interactions ? Food symbolism and social use of meals Kenesic behavior is a person’s body language, which include the first half of the list above, except for interpersonal distance. A hand shake is an example of kenesic behavior. In South Korea it is a custom to shake with your right hand and support your forearm of your right hand with your left. However the handshake should be week, a strong handshake would seem aggressive. Other forms of kenesic behavior of South Koreans are, passing food with both hands to an elder out of respect, not crossing your legs in front of an authority figure, and keeping the soles of your shoes faced downward. This form of communication plays a large role in negotiating with this culture. Everyone needs to feel respected. Interpersonal distance is a form of proxemics. It is how much space we put between ourselves and another person, and how we space out our environments. South Koreans are a low contact culture; they would rather have more space between themselves and another. According to the Executive planet. com South Koreans do not have offices. It is an open atmosphere and instead of knocking on a door to announce your arrival, a cough, or clearing your thought is used to make the other person aware you need their attention. Paralanguage is interpreting how something is said, the speed, tone, and mood of the person saying. Take for instance someone telling you a simple no. Saying it quickly and laughing can be taken unserious. However pausing, and then saying it slowly could be interpreted as uncertainty. According to the Executive Planet . com, â€Å"Sucking in air through your teeth is one way to signal a definite answer of ‘no’† or â€Å"A lukewarm response such as ‘maybe’ accompanied by squinting of eyes or tipping the head back may also be used to express a ‘no’ answer†. (Executive Planet. com, Let’s make a deal-part 3). Lastly Object language is the type of clothing you were, colors and possibly how your business card is designed. Color can be very symbolic and mean many different things; white for example is generally interpreted as pure, and serene. Red on the other hand can mean, anger, or sensuality. Nature of Persuasion Factual-Inductive vs. Affective The type of persuasion used is an element in the negotiation process that needs to be understood thoroughly. This is also a mixture of communication, and protocol. It is important that a solid relationship has been established and trust in your associate has been created. With out this negotiation will be difficult. It is where the most planning needs to be made. South Korea is an affective society, meaning they make decisions emotionally, not deductively. This could mean emotional outburst, or frustrated non-verbal communication. They think collectively as apposed to individually. According to The guide to cross-cultural success, Doing Business Internationally, Inhwa, â€Å"is a key factor influencing South Korean business behavior, Inhwa stresses harmony by linking people of unequal rank, prestige and power through reciprocal and mutually beneficial system of loyalty. †(The guide to cross-cultural success, Doing Business Internationally, p. 269). So persuasion not only needs to push concern for the company, but push concern for Koreans as a family. Other forms of persuasion are gift giving. This is appropriate as long as economic consideration is not overlooked. If an expensive gift is given to someone of lesser economic status, that person would not be able to reciprocate the same value of that gift. This would cause that person to lose face. According to Executive Planet. com, â€Å"Saving face, is an important concept to understand. In South Korean business culture, a person’s reputation and social standing rests on this concept†. Executive Planet. com, Let’s make a deal –part 2). This is the same concept of pride in the United States. Form of Agreement Explicit Contract vs. Implicit Agreement South Koreans make implicit agreements. Even if a contract has been signed this does not mean that negotiation is over. This is often a sign that they are willing to further negotiate. According to a book called, Learning to think Korean, signing a contract, â€Å"usually takes the form of trying to get you to ease up on conditions to which only their reluctant consent was given before signing. It does no good to remind him that he has already agreed to that condition and signed his name to it†. (Learning to think Korean, p. 159) The process of coming to an agreement intertwines all of what we have talked about, communication, relationships, protocol, planning, and persuasion. Overall it takes lots of time and patience to come to a finalized agreement. Recommendations for an American Manager Negotiating effectively cross-culturally is one of the single most important global business skills. Global negotiations contain all of the complexity of domestic negotiations, with the added dimensions of cultural diversity. There are some drastic differences between American and Korean negotiation orientations and behaviors. And after seeing the twelve dimensions of cross cultural negotiations on South Korean, some recommendations should be made to an American negotiator who would have to consider before going into a negotiation. Although South Koreans are informal with protocol be sure not to insult them by being too informal or formal. When you are out socializing do not decline a drink, be it tea, coffee, or an alcoholic beverage. This would be taken as an insult. It is appropriate to continues drinking until the senior or highest ranked person has decided they are finished. If you do not drink alcoholic beverages, explain this, but still participate in the socializing. If you are a woman in the South Korean culture it is inappropriate to drink heavily. In addition even though it is expectable for a Korean to be a little late it is not for a guest, make sure to schedule ample time to get where you are going. Always be aware of your non verbal language. In the United States we cross our legs, have strong handshakes, and blow our noses where ever we are. All of these are insults in the Korean culture. Americans can sometimes seem very direct and almost cold toned. Be aware of this, it will only cause negativity amongst your Korean associates. Remain patient, South Koreans like to take there time. They have a completely different thinking process. Americans think about the end result. South Koreans dissect every aspect of a situation individually before thinking about the end result. By showing frustration, it will cause an adverse affect. It will only create more issues to discuss further and analyze. In dealing with Asian negotiators, knowledge of cultural differences is very important. Although they said that â€Å"knowledge of the Korean culture and language is imperative to success† (â€Å"Business†). For example, the attitudes towards law and sanctity of the contract are different between Westerners and Koreans. In the Western view, contract â€Å"sets out duties and responsibilities for each side and is supposedly sacrosanct† (â€Å"Business†). Although in Korea view, the contract is considered â€Å"an organic document which can change as conditions evolve† (â€Å"Business†). So American negotiators should have this concept already in mind before going into a negotiation with Korean negotiators. Another example of culture differences is in the use of â€Å"expensive gifts and lavish entertainment† as a part of business practice in South Korea. When American negotiators first arrive in Korea, the Korean counterparts might invite them to dinners; take them to a night out, etc. But what American negotiators should take in mind is that this is not a kind of bribery, but rather just how South Koreans do business and build relationships. Work Cited Business Social Etiquette, 24-Apr-2003 21:36, 29-Apr-2004, craxycolour. com/os/southkorea_02. shtml Cultural Business Considerations for South Korea, Michigan District Export Council, 29-Apr-2004, exportmichigan. com/korea_cultural_business_considerations. htm Dersky, Helen. International Management, Managing across Borders and Cultures, Pearson Education Inc. , Upper Saddle River New Jersey, 1994 Doing Business in South Korea (with description), Asia travelinfo. com. 19-July-2001 29-Apr-2004, asiatravelingo. om/south%20korea/doingbusiness. asp Kohls, Robert L. Learning to think Korean, â€Å"A Guide to living and Working in Korea†. Intercultural Press. Yarmouth, ME. 2001 Metcalf, Lynn Bird, Allen. Cultural Influences on Negotiation Behaviors: Resurrecting and Revitalizing an Overlooked Framework. Lynn Metcalf Allen Bird, 2003 South Korean Business Culture, Executive Planet. com, 29-Apr-204 executiveplanet. com/business-culture-in/132166436472. html Walker, W alker, Schmitz, The Guide to cross-cultural success, Doing business Internationally.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Comparison Essay on Football and Basketball

Comparison Essay on Football and Basketball Comparison Essay on Football and Basketball Football and basketball are two of the most common sports that are played in many parts of the world. For an individual who is torn between selecting which of the two sports he should play, it can be very helpful to know the characteristics of the two sports and compare these qualities in order to select the one that interests a particular person the most. One of the most obvious differences between the two sports lies in the way they are played. While football is in most cases played outdoors in areas that may not necessarily have artificial lighting or controlled temperatures, basketball is mostly played in indoor fields that have both artificial lighting and temperature control. The size of the football field is also several times bigger than that of basketball. The other difference lies in the way the players interact with the ball. In football, the ball is played by fumbling, while in basketball, the ball is played by bouncing the ball up and down on the floor repeatedly in an action known as dribbling. In football, the main objective of the game is to capture the territory of the opposing team in ten yard segments, eventually driving the ball to the opposing team’s end zone. In basketball, the main aim is to throw the ball as many ways as possible into the opposing team’s basket, given that the more baskets a team makes, the higher the score. Another major difference is that physical contact between basketball players of opposing teams is highly discouraged and may actually result in a foul. This is especially the case when a player knocks another player of the opposing team to the floor. In football, contact is highly encouraged. Contact in football is referred to as a tackle. Another difference between the two sports is way players dress. While basketball players adorn vests as the uniform of the game, football players are usually dressed in long sleeved t-shirts and trousers. They also wear helmets to protect their heads during tough tackles. Another notable difference between the two sports is why a player may be suspended from the game. The most common reason behind players being ruled out of a basketball game is the fouls that they cause, but in football, injuries are the most common reasons that remove players from the game. The kind of scores in each of the games also differs greatly. In football, 3 is the least number of points that the opposing team can score at a single time, while in basketball, 3 is the most a player can score at a time. Finally, the origin of each of the games also differs. While football is thought to have originated in the early 1900s as a violent collegiate sport for men, bask etball is believed to have originated from a gymnastics practice for women. You can enjoy our professional essay service which can help with writing your comparison essay on Football and Basketball. Get 100% original custom compare and contrast essay written from scratch!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Holocaust - Essay Example The horrific actions of the Third Reich are well documented. The end result of the Nazi’s evil ideologies included the occupation of most European nations and the ‘final solution,’ the annihilation of over six million Jews (Dawidowicz, 1986: 3). Throughout history, many nations have conquered others for various reasons while oppressing its people but why were a particular race of people systematically killed? How could such a fervent hatred of Jews infect an entire national conscience causing such unconscionable acts to be perpetrated? In spite of popular opinion, it didn’t happen because the people of Germany fell into a hypnotic trance and all of a sudden felt compelled to murder innocents simply from hearing Hitler’s speeches.Many citizens of Germany were unaware of the Concentration Camps, including the residents of the towns where the camps were located. The executions were carried out by the German army with SS troops in charge of the operation s. The unknowing German people and the most fervent of Nazi’s did have a nationalistic idealism in common, however, which was the underlying reason for the extermination of the Jewish race. This common idealism was developed from the culmination of centuries of German cultural bonding through the ideas of Volkism, with roots that had begun the century before.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Influence of Materials Properties on Structural Form and Behaviour Essay

The Influence of Materials Properties on Structural Form and Behaviour - Essay Example As the discussion stresses  during the selection of materials to be used for engineering purposes, certain properties that include tensile strength, impact strength, as well as hardness is essential in indicating how suitable the selection for the material is, although the engineer has the obligation of ensuring that radiography together with other properties for the material are in line with required specifications.From this paper it is clear that  there has been an increase in popularity of plastics and polymeric materials in engineering. As much as these are inferior to majority of the metallic materials as far as temperature resistance and strengths are concerned, these have been used in corrosive environments as well as in other areas that require minimum wear, for example in small gear wheels that were initially manufactured from hardened steel, are currently produced from Teflon or nylon.  The performance of these materials is satisfactory; they are quiet and are in no n eed for lubrication. In this respect, therefore, prior to selection of material or even the designing of components, there is need for an individual to have sufficient knowledge of the process requirements, the limitations of operation like the non-hazardous and hazardous conditions, the continuous and the non-continuous operations, raw material availability together with the availability of spares and other alternate material.a

Chicano Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chicano - Essay Example La Huasanga (Los Rogacianos) is a must for followers of music who appreciates diversity in culture. The film industry in Mexico is credited by the way they have appreciated and marketed the Mexican culture through music. Conjunto Hueyapan used a sharp harp called arpa planeca together with a deep sounding bass register, one or two violins. They also use a tandem strumming section formed by a five-string guitar (a vihuela) and aquitarrs de golpe. The guitars have really stood out in the music. The vocalists have ensured that the message is passed through the most appropriate musical way. The lyrics are such that they describes the moment of the time. The lyrics are passing the message as required. The performance had great characterization and lots of energy. The dances of the performance are crisp, clean and synchronized. It was the most entertaining performance. The instruments ranging from guitar to violin could be just described as wonderful. Every word in the music was spoken with a lot of enthusiasm and energy and it also provided the audience with the opportunity to laugh. This showed that the music is not meant for entertainment but also as a way to educate audience about the goodness of Mexican meal (El Toro Viejo) Weinstock, Herbert, and Carlos ChaÃŒ vez.  Mexican Music: Notes by Herbert Weinstock for Concerts Arranged by Carlos ChaÃŒ vez As Part of the Exhibition. New York: Printed for the Trustees of the Museum of modern art by W.E. Rudges Sons, 1940.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ernst and Young LLP. The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon Essay

Ernst and Young LLP. The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon - Essay Example Coincidentally, both of the companies under consideration utilize the service of a single auditing firm Ernst and Young LLP. Ernst and Young LLP prides itself in being a "global leader in assurance, tax, transaction, and advisory services (Ernst and Young 2008)" having the overall aim of extending a "positive impact on businesses and markets, as well as on society as a whole" (Ernst and Young 2008). With this commitment for excellence, it currently employs a pool of 130,000 professionals with diverse background and specialties each contributing to the success of the business organization. As an auditing firm, it maintains high standard in its undertaking and promotes overall transparency in financial reporting (Ernst and Young 2008). With the growth of financial fiascos and controversies involving huge corporations like Enron, Ernst and Young upholds its integrity in the market through its dedication to high ethical standards in its operations (Ernst and Young 2008). The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon both comprise four important financial statements each highlighting different aspects which give users of these information a thorough knowledge on their financial standing.

TEACHING STRATEGIES TOPIC will focus on A 50 Year Old educated man Term Paper

TEACHING STRATEGIES TOPIC will focus on A 50 Year Old educated man Recently Hospitalized With Stage 2 Infected Diabetic Foo - Term Paper Example Introduction Marzano (2010) stated that during the late 1980s, various educationists across the World had created a strong campaign against the traditional teaching strategy that was seen more of exam-oriented, since it emphasized more on developing cramming skills among the students instead of critical thinking skills. This made majority of the students to lack skills in solving certain problems and even apply logical reasoning in certain instances. It is because of these reasons that various teaching strategies have been developed so far by various education stakeholders with the main aim of helping students to develop their thinking skills at levels that are higher than knowledge and comprehension. Moreover, skills on critical thinking have been greatly emphasized since even the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission has incorporated critical thinking skills as a one of the learning outcomes in nursing programs. In actual sense, Weston (2009) described critical thinkin g as the ability to think in a rational, objective, and independent manner, in order to come up with credible and worthwhile course of actions or conclusions. Weston (2009) in his writing further added that students should follow at least six steps in order for them to become critical and logical thinkers and these steps include acquiring knowledge and perfect understanding of the topic that requires critical thinking. Secondly, the students will need to learn logic, which is the ability to construct argument and deduce meaningful conclusions. Thirdly, the students will need to learn assertiveness in order to become assertive in the criticisms that they make. The fourth step for students to become critical and logical thinkers is for them to learn comprehension, which is the ability to understand what they see/ watch and read. Fifthly, Weston (2009) stated that a critical thinker has to know about alternatives to ensure the thinking process bear valid conclusions. Lastly, Weston (20 09) stated that for students to become critical and logical thinkers they have to synthesize all separate thoughts to come up with something that is critical and logical. The frameworks of most learning theories have been aligned to ensure that learners are able to go through these steps of becoming critical and logical thinkers. Furthermore, application of the learning theories as well as the level of integration of the steps of becoming a critical and logical thinker, factor in that people have numerous forms of intelligence in different degrees. In the writings by Hunt (2011), he listed the seven forms of intelligence and they comprise of spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, body-kinesthetic, musical, and logical-mathematical. The learner The casing point for this paper is a 50-year old educated man recently hospitalized with stage 2 infected diabetic foot ulcer secondary to diabetes neuropathy. According to Mathews et al (2008), the man’s condition is attrib uted to the diabetes disease that he is suffering from, which facilitated the development of the diabetic neuropathy that commonly affects the feet of a diabetic patient.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ernst and Young LLP. The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon Essay

Ernst and Young LLP. The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon - Essay Example Coincidentally, both of the companies under consideration utilize the service of a single auditing firm Ernst and Young LLP. Ernst and Young LLP prides itself in being a "global leader in assurance, tax, transaction, and advisory services (Ernst and Young 2008)" having the overall aim of extending a "positive impact on businesses and markets, as well as on society as a whole" (Ernst and Young 2008). With this commitment for excellence, it currently employs a pool of 130,000 professionals with diverse background and specialties each contributing to the success of the business organization. As an auditing firm, it maintains high standard in its undertaking and promotes overall transparency in financial reporting (Ernst and Young 2008). With the growth of financial fiascos and controversies involving huge corporations like Enron, Ernst and Young upholds its integrity in the market through its dedication to high ethical standards in its operations (Ernst and Young 2008). The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon both comprise four important financial statements each highlighting different aspects which give users of these information a thorough knowledge on their financial standing.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

An author thesis paper on 4 of J.D Salingers works Term

An author thesis on 4 of J.D Salingers works - Term Paper Example This paper will, therefore, attempt to connect Salinger’s portrayal of children’s innocence based on the four works as named above. We will do a book-by book analysis of his depiction of children to come to a common conclusion... 2.0. Discussion. 2.1. The Catcher in the Rye. This novel was originally written for the adult audience. The book’s adolescent themes such as teenage alienation, confusion, angst, and rebellion however, found more favour among the youth, turning it into a teenage novel. The novel begins with Holden’s narration of events in the past at his school. Through the narration, we see Holden as a victim of circumstances when he loses his school’s football team equipment in the subway prior to the football match that afternoon leading to subsequent cancellation of the match. As a result, he is suspended from school until after Christmas (Crawford 26). Although Holden escaped from school to the Edmont hotel in New York, it is in a bid to get away from conflict and confrontation with his school mates as he engages in a fight with his roommate Stradlater. Later, Holden develops sexual desires and ends up with a prostitute in his room. This is quite innocent and coming of Holden who is in his adolescence, full of desire for sexual exploration. When he brings the prostitute to his room, he does not judge her as harsh as society does as to him, she is just a normal human being who deserves right treatment and respect. Even when she leaves without him having slept with her, he still pays him and thanks her for coming. This shows the innocence of a boy just caught up in the developments of life. Holden engages in drink after his friend, Sally, refuses to elope with him. This he does out of pure frustrations as his sexuality is at peak, but does not wish to enjoy it with anyone but that whom he loves, which is Sally. When he rejects his innocent desire to have her all alone to himself, he has no one to talk to and the on ly way he can deal with the frustration is by drinking it down. His frustrations force him into his parent’s house to see and talk to his sister, Phoebe. The two talk and Holden shares his innocently misinterpreted wish to be a catcher of children in the rye to help prevent them from losing their innocence (Crawford 43). While at Mr. Antolini’s house, Holden is disgusted at what he thinks is a homosexual move by the host toward him. This shows that despite Holden’s sexuality at peak, he regards some things such as homosexuality as immoral and that it should not be tolerated when he leaves Antolini’s house immediately. His allusions toward the end of the novel about being mentally ill and living in a mental hospital shows an innocent childish wish to stay away from the realities of life by staying secluded in a place of no reality. As was his dream to save the children in the rye from the harshness of life, so does he wish to forever stay in the innocence of childhood. 2.2. Franny and Zooey. Franny and Zooey are brother and sister, the youngest members of the glass family. Zooey is a genius while Franny

Monday, October 14, 2019

Central and Eastern Europe Environmental Issues Essay Example for Free

Central and Eastern Europe Environmental Issues Essay Eastern Europe’s environmental problems are not as simple as they may seem on the surface. The environmental problems that face Eastern Europe are complicated by political, economic, and social implications. The current environmental problems are a bi-product of rapid industrial expansion under a socialist government. The soviet government was more concerned with surpassing the western cultures in technology and military might than the environmental damage they were doing to their country. The following paragraphs will address the current environmental problems facing Eastern Europe, the various solutions to the environmental problems, and the efforts taken to correct the environmental problems. Environmental Problems in Europe Eastern Europe during the 1980s had rapidly become the industrial giant for the Soviet Union. Massive industrial factories would be built throughout the eastern bloc of the Soviet Union and the factories used obsolete technology to provide the industrial needs of the country. The heavy industrial activity characteristic of the post-World War II period took a heavy toll on both the regions population and its environmentâ€Å"(U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2010). Various local populations were suffering from high rates of cancer, respiratory issues, and infant mortalities. The environments in the areas around the industrial regions were also being damaged on unprecedented levels. Legacy of Pollution According to the U. S.  Environmental Protection Agency (2010), The outmoded, energy-intensive technologies were such an integral part of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (NIS) regions economy in the post-war era not only wasted resources, but also caused severe local, regional, and trans-boundary pollution problems. Not only was the industrial technology outdated, the communication among the post-war government, local governments, and various environmental ministries was ripe with secrecy and non-communication between each other. The results would prove to be catastrophic pollution of the air, surface water, soil, ground water, marine zones, and coastal areas. Air Pollution Air pollution in Eastern Europe is the top concern because of the levels of sulfur dioxide found in all the industrial areas. High levels of sulfur dioxide exposure can lead to asthmatic children and adults, respiratory illness, decreased lung defenses, and worsening of existing cardiovascular diseases. When Sulfur Dioxide is exposed to rain it creates acid rain and raises the acidity level of everything it touches such as soil, lakes, and streams. Buildings corrode faster and there is also a reduction in visibility. Water Pollution Agricultural and industrial practices were causing large spread water pollution because of outdated waste regulation practices and no environmental regulation. According to Liroff (1990), Drinking-water supplies throughout Eastern Europe are heavily contaminated. Vast reaches of the Vistula River in Poland, which drains much of the country, are classified as unfit for use even by industry. The Baltic and Black Sea coasts are badly degraded by domestic sewage, agricultural run-off, and heavy metals and organic pollutants from industry. The Eastern Europe governments have been slow to implement solutions to purify the drinking water in the various regions. Soil Pollution Samples of produce from upper Poland have yielded 30 to 70 higher percentages of cadmium, lead, zinc and mercury then acceptable levels listed by the World Health Organization. The high percentages of these heavy materials indicate how polluted the soil is in the upper polish regions. In Hungary alone, waste generators dispose of more than 500,000 tons waste found in illegal landfills. The local government has trouble tracking any kind of waste transportation and disposal due to obsolete tracking processes, and because not all waste is indicated as waste before being disposed of. Eastern Europe is wreaked with not only environmental problems, but also with government, and local government problems also. The good news is that there are viable solutions to the environmental problems that the Eastern Europe countries are having. Viable Environmental Solutions The environmental problems that face Central and Eastern Europe are much the same as any other country in the world with one exception, the proximity of the environmental hazards. Most countries in the world deal with environmental hazards, but the hazards are spread out over different parts of the country. Central and Eastern Europe are unique when it comes to environmental disasters because Central and Eastern Europe was the industrial might behind the soviet military. For every environmental disaster Central and Eastern Europe faces, there is a viable solution thanks to modern technology and proven environmental regulations. Possible environmental solutions Because of the vast environmental disasters throughout Central and Eastern Europe there are several possible environmental solutions. The possible environmental solutions that Central and Eastern Europe are considering will be decided by the cost of the solution, ease of implementation, and consultation from environmental agencies such as the United States Environmental Agency. Even with the various economic, governmental agency communication problems, and various ecological disasters Central and Eastern Europe have a number of viable solutions. Air Pollution Solutions One of the possible remedies for air quality in Europe would be to switch to burning low sulfur coal. When coal is burned, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and mercury compounds are released. For that reason, coal-fired boilers are required to have control devices to reduce the amount of emissions that are released. The amount of sulfur oxides produced by power can be reduced by using coal with low amounts of sulfur present. Another possible air solution would be to use scrubbers. Scrubbers are an air pollution control system that removes pollutants from the air stream they are most commonly used to help control the emissions of sulfur into our air. There are a few types of scrubber, Air scrubbers, wet scrubbers, and gas scrubbers are differentiated by the manner in which they remove gases and particulates from the air; either wet or dry. Wet scrubbers literally wash dust and particles out of the air. Exhaust air is forced into a spray chamber, where fine water particles cause the dust to drop from the air stream. The dust-laden water is then treated to remove the solid material and is often re-circulated. Dry scrubbers are used more commonly with acid gases. The pollutant is collected on or in a solid or liquid material, which is injected into the gas stream. A dry scrubber produces a dry product that must be collected downstream from this control device. Water Pollution Solutions One of the many possible water pollution solutions would be aeration. Aerating is the process to bring river water at the bottom of rivers up to the surface so that the entire river is oxygenated by the atmosphere surface to bottom. They can do this by pumping air into bodies of water at the very bottom. On the other hand Central and Eastern Europe could use more wastewater treatment plants these types of plants would drastically help the water quality in Central and Eastern Europe by removing harmful bacteria’s, animal wastes and pollutants and then recycling the clean water back into their system.. Soil Pollution Solutions There are many different types of soil pollution that hurt the environment and by treating Sewage before dumping wastes would cut back on many of the current environmental issues. Spraying pesticides may be good for the crops but it’s destroying the soil and the drain off into the water system is affected by this as well. Cutting down on the usage of fossil fuels would create less solid waste and harmful gasses that may seep into the soil. Eastern Europe needs to adapt to more of these possible solutions. Using low sulfur coals, Scrubbers and limestone in the remedies of air pollution would set a chain reaction in the environment the water would then become cleaner along with the soil. These remedies may not fix the issue completely for Eastern Europe, but it would help them greatly. Efforts to correct  Central and Eastern Europe have been left untouched since the end of the Nazi/German rule and the fall of the Great Berlin Wall on November 9th, 1989. Many of the people living in such a terrible environment still struggle every day to survive, but it is not a war against other countries it has turned into an environmental war and one that is near impossible for them to win without help. As with most all larger countries around the world Eastern and Central Europe are suffering from the same types of environmental issues but, in their case they do not have the means that we do in order to make the necessary changes that they need. Practical and low cost solutions need to be the wave of the future and used as often as possible. The problems need to be prioritized based on the highest health risk and the surrounding public will be educated and involved in its’ own environmental decision making. AIR- Airborne pollution is said to be one of the greatest environmental risks identified in the region. There is a large amount of sulfur dioxide found in the air, it comes from several different places but are byproducts of several different types of older industrial facilities like the old coal burning power plants that used to be found there (EPA). The United states are one of the few countries in which it is a law for vehicle owners to participate in an annual emissions test. The Czech government however has accelerated its’ efforts in cleaning the air pollution through it $240 million project that will assist its residents in converting homes from coal to natural gas in hopes to subsidize conversion costs (EPA). Along with this local agencies in many areas lack the equipment needed to assess and identify local problems so the Krakow Air Monitoring project. This project is under the supervision of the EPA and the Polish environmental experts are working together to identify and measure the major sources of industrial, residential and vehicle emissions testing (EPA). Along with such a huge problem facing the countries the EPA has also transferred some very low-cost techniques to help them out. Water pollution- Along with clean air there is the Krakow Water and Wastewater Improvement project, the idea here is to provide safe drinking water to city residents. Most people are drinking from contaminated drinking sources, especially those outside of the city limits. The idea here is not only to decontaminate the water before it is consumed, but to attack the problem at the source and to educate the people of the possible affects that waste dumping in unsecure facilities can have on them and their families. The Krakow project as a result installed modern ozonation and chlorination equipment that in turn disinfected the drinking water of 400,000 residents in the area. It also focused on the improvement the forming of the Raba River Watershed Association as well as focusing on the agricultural runoff into local streams and rivers (EPA). In addition to this a team of EPA, Wisconsin, and Latvian environmental managers have also come up with a solution to protect supplies of future ground water in Daugavplis, this is where the national ground water protection strategy is based. Solid and Hazardous Waste- All types of waste needs to be dumped somewhere and the most contaminated solid waste sites are often found on military bases in Eastern Europe. They can be found on active or former military base cites, these are still dumping cites. Children in these areas are affected the most and are still being diagnosed with very high blood-lead levels, due to these case studies the EPA has provided special equipment and training to local officials to assess possible impacts of lead exposure. Due to such high levels of exposure in certain areas additional support has been provided by Romanian officials to assist areas in the cleanup of contaminated soil, the Czech Council of Ministers even committed to assist the cleanup of future development cites by approving $40 million to get started, this is called Project Selesia. This is not the only cleanup plan in effect there is also the Solid Waste Policy Demonstration Project, this idea helps to train local communities in the proper way to carry out more effective policies of cleaning and recycling waste. Pilot programs include the construction of new sanitary landfills, the cleanup of existing landfills, curbside recycling, are probably the most important public outreach programs taking place (EPA). Technology Transfer- the EPA has also helped with the development of a geographic information system (GIS), this system helps to track different trends that occur over time. The GIS is a computer-based mapping system that over time will store and track other environmental information that identifies pollution source and tracks it over time. This system will help the public become more informed and promote better decision making (EPA). The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Manage ment Project is yet one more idea that is hoped to assist different storage areas of nuclear material in a quick-turnaround of radiochemistry data in case of any future leaks and potential disasters. To be able to assist such tracking a mobile radioecology laboratory was created by the EPA along with the United Nations Development Program and USAID, have provided the Ukraine with possibly one of the world’s best equipped mobile radiation monitoring laboratories. This lab is monitored by both the EPA project team and Ministry officials have since been conducting on-site contamination assessments of potential public health threats all around the country (EPA).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Using Lime As A Construction Material

Using Lime As A Construction Material Lime is a material comprising any physical and chemical forms under which calcium and/or magnesium oxide (CaO and MgO) and/or hydroxide (Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2) can appear. Lime plays an important role as a construction material. The main uses of lime are as follows: In soil treatment and stabilization to provide a platform for heavy construction such as roads, earthen dams, airfields, and building foundations. As an additive in asphalt, lime improves the cohesion of asphalt, reduces stripping, and retards the aging process. As a binder in the productions of bricks, aircrete, fire resistant board and concrete. Lime is also a key ingredient in mortar and plaster. BUILDING LIME STANDARD For the preparation of mortar for masonry, rendering and plastering and production of other construction products using lime is outlined on BS EN 459-1. 2.1. BUILDING LIME TERMINOLOGY    Air limes: limes mainly consisting of calcium oxide or hydroxide which slowly harden in air by reacting with atmospheric carbon dioxide. Generally they do not harden under water as they have no hydraulic properties. They may be either quicklimes or hydrated limes. Quicklimes: air limes mainly consisting of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide produced by calcinations of limestone and/or dolomite rock. They have an exothermic reaction when in contact with water. They are offered in varying sizes ranging from lumps to ground powder materials. They include calcium limes and dolomitic limes. Hydrated limes: air limes, calcium limes or dolomitic limes, resulting from the controlled slaking of quicklimes. They are produced in the form of a dry powder or putty or as a slurry. Calcium limes: limes mainly consisting of calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide without any additions of hydraulic or pozzolanic materials Dolomitic limes: limes mainly consisting of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide or calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide without any additions of hydraulic or pozzolanic materials. Natural hydraulic limes (NHL): limes produced by burning of more or less argillaceous or siliceous limestones with reduction to powder by slaking with or without grinding. They have the property of setting and hardening under water. Atmospheric carbon dioxide contributes to the hardening process Hydraulic limes: limes mainly consisting of calcium hydroxide, calcium silicates and calcium aluminates produced by mixing of suitable materials. They have the property of setting and hardening under water. Atmospheric carbon dioxide contributes to the hardening process 2.2. CLASSIFICATION Air limes shall be classified according to their (CaO + MgO) content and hydraulic limes according to their compressive strength given in Table 1. SOIL TREATMENT STABILISATION USING LIME Lime can be used to treat soils in order to improve their workability and load-bearing characteristics in a number of situations.   Quicklime is frequently used to dry wet soils at construction sites and elsewhere, reducing downtime and providing an improved working surface.   An even more significant use of lime is in the modification and stabilization of soil beneath road and similar construction projects.   Lime can substantially increase the stability, impermeability, and load-bearing capacity of the subgrade.   Both quicklime and hydrated lime may be used for this purpose.   Application of lime to subgrades can provide significantly improved engineering properties.    Lime is an excellent choice for short-term modification of soil properties.   Lime can modify almost all fine-grained soils, but the most significant improvement occurs in clay soils of moderate to high plasticity.   Modification occurs because calcium cations supplied by hydrated lime replace the cations normally present on the surface of the clay mineral, promoted by the high pH environment of the lime-water system.   Thus, the clay surface mineralogy is altered, producing the following benefits: Plasticity reduction; Reduction in moisture-holding capacity (drying); Swell reduction; Improved stability; and Ability to construct a solid working platform. Soil stabilization occurs when lime is added to a reactive soil to generate long-term strength gain through a pozzolanic reaction.   This reaction produces stable calcium silicate hydrates and calcium aluminate hydrates as the calcium from the lime reacts with the aluminates and silicates solubilized from the clay.   The full-term pozzolanic reaction can continue for a very long period of time, even decades as long as enough lime is present and the pH remains high (above 10).    LIME IN MORTARS Lime in one form or another has been a binder in mortars for centuries, well before cement was invented. Lime today is still used as the primary binder in many mixes. usually in the form of lime putty or Hydraulic lime. Hydrated lime is used in modern cement based mortars mainly for its properties as a plasticiser. Lime mortar has important characteristics. These are: High workability Water retentivity very high. This makes it particularly suitable for use with some applications. The lime in the mortar improves adhesion (bonding strength) and reduces rain penetration. (Thereby reduces frost damage to unprotected masonry wall tops) In mortars containing lime, carbon dioxide dissolves in water and reacts with lime to produce insoluble calcium carbonate crystals. These crystals form in spaces such as cracks and grow, thereby sealing the cracks. This self-sealing characteristic reduces water penetration and increases durability. Especially in areas where masonry work is prone to frost damage. The rate of carbonation is dependent upon several environmental conditions. High plasticity, which allows the user to produce a flexible masonry structure, capable of contending with movement resulting from both, thermal and moisture content changes without cracking. Movement joints are not required since the lime mortar can absorb the expansion. This reduction in the risk of cracking reduces problems related with water penetration. Lime mortar has a lower structural strength than Portland cement but it insures a lasting durability, as many old historical building and medieval castles prove. TYPES OF LIME USED IN MORTARS Air Lime Air Lime gains strength slowly, by combining with atmospheric carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate (as per the lime cycle). Air Lime, or high calcium lime does not have any hydraulic component. It can be quicklime for slaking or hydrated lime. Several grades of Air Lime are identified in EN459-1 the European standard for Building Lime. Hydrated lime Hydrated lime is NOT hydraulic lime and will not set in contact with water; hydrated lime is added to cement mixes to give the benefits listed above under Benefits of using lime mortars. CL90 Q CL90 S Grades of air lime for building as described in EN459 the European standard for Building Lime. CL90 Q is the purest grade of building quicklime and CL90 S is the purest grade of hydrated lime for building. Several grades of air lime are identified in EN459 the European standard for Building Lime. Lime with Hydraulic Properties Lime with hydraulic or cementitious properties which will set when exposed to moisture. Several grades of Lime with Hydraulic Properties are identified in EN459-1 the European standard for Building Lime. Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL) Hydraulic lime which does not contain any performance enhancing additives. Its properties are as a result of the mineralogy of the calcium carbonate stone which is quarried for burning. Formulated Lime Lime with Hydraulic Properties based on NHL or Air Lime, which is a designer blend of constituents from a designated list. Formulated Lime may contain cement or clinker, pozzolana, ground granulated blast furnace slag or other performance enhancing additives. It is blended to give the required performance characteristics. Any additions are identified by the manufacturer. Hydraulic Lime Hydraulic binder which can contain many performance enhancing additives, including cement and clinker. There is no requirement for the manufacturer to notify the customer of its composition. PLASTER Internal plastering is used to cover up differences in level and to provide a surface which is suitable for the final decorative finish. The use of lime with cement nowadays provides a quick, strong and easily applied process of coating durable plaster. Other benefits are described as follows: The high water-retentivity of lime based plasters, coupled with their high workability, ensures a good bond to the background material. The ability of lime to promote the healing of cracks helps to ensure its durability by reducing water penetration. The high alkalinity of the plaster inhibits the growth of mould and the corrosion of iron and steel. In general the benefits raised from the addition of lime in the plaster, far outweigh the small increase in raw material costs. AERATED CONCRETE BLOCKS Quicklime is mixed with cement, sand, water and aluminium powder to give a slurry which rises and sets to form honeycomb structured blocks which have excellent thermal and sound insulation properties. The heat generated when quicklime reacts with water and the alkaline conditions combined with aluminium powder generates hydrogen bubbles which cause the blocks to rise. The heat generated subsequently causes the slurry to set. The blocks are then heated in an autoclave, which promotes reactions between calcium and silicates in the sand or PFA and gives extra strength. Dolomite lime and/or modified quicklime can be added to reduce excessive shrinkage or cracking, an issue which is increasingly useful for highly stressed materials, such as busy road junctions. LIME CONCRETE Lime concrete or limecrete is made by mixing controlled amounts of sand, aggregate, binder and water. Portland Cement is normally used as the binder, although nowadays hydraulic lime or hydrated lime can also be used. This type of concrete is used all over the world, including almost every type of transport surface from roads, runways, bus and rail tracks to the construction of buildings and even large dams. LIMEWASH Limewash is a traditional method of painting walls with a colour base that allows the masonry to breathe, providing both protection and aesthetic appeal. Limewash is also widely used in agricultural buildings due to its germicidal qualities coupled with its extreme ease of application and low cost. ASPHALT Hydrated lime can be used as an additive to hot mix asphalt used for road surfacing. The addition of lime increases the resistance of the asphalt to water stripping, allowing it to maintain strength and provide good resistance to heavy stress i.e. for road surfaces prone to regular traffic or congestion. Lime also acts as a mineral filler which increases the viscosity of the binder, increasing the stiffness, tensile strength, compressive strength and resistance to water stripping. Asphalt is currently used for the majority of road networks throughout the world. Infrastructure is often dependent on the quality of road surfaces, and without its superior materialistic properties, roads would be more hazardous and all types of vehicles would be prone to damages and accidents. ( Find out more in the  technical section. Asphalt Hot Mix Asphalt Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is a composite material comprised of two major ingredients; aggregate and binder. The aggregate is usually obtained from quarry operations (or through recycling) and the binder is a petroleum product, sometimes occurring naturally but usually the by-product of refining crude oil. The function of the binder is to basically coat the aggregate, creating a stable mixture of aggregate and asphalt that can resist numerous stresses induced by highway traffic and the environment. Asphalt pavements are a crucial part of the UKs strategy for building a high performance transportation network for the future. Asphalt construction is fast and relatively simple; it is economical, safe, quiet and the most sustainable solution to the future aspirations of the UK road network. Hydrated lime can be used as a modifier that improves performance in multiple ways to create high performance asphalt pavements. The benefits of lime A growing use for hydrated lime, particularly in the United States, is as an additive to the aggregates that can be applied either in a dry or slurry state. Hydrated lime tends to change the surface chemistry or molecular polarity of the aggregate surface, resulting in a stronger adhesion at the interface between the aggregate and asphalt binder. This is a particularly important factor for HMAs which are constantly subjected to changing environmental conditions and traffic wheel loads. The environment plays an important role in conditioning the pavement due to the presence of moisture, the fluctuations in temperature, and the ageing of HMA mixtures. Combining this with the stresses from repeated traffic loads, a physical separation between the asphalt binder and aggregate may begin to occur. As the binder is displaced, moisture moves in to capture the aggregates surface, a process which is known as water stripping or water sensitivity.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€ šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   The performance of an HMA mixture is primarily measured in terms of its resistance to rutting, fatigue, low temperature cracking, and ravelling. The resistance of HMA to these distresses can to some degree be evaluated using performance tests and the measurement of its susceptibility to moisture and temperature. In order to compensate for the problem of moisture damage, many manufacturers use anti-stripping agents, which may include lime. Experience in the US has shown us that lime is currently the most suitable additive for the widest range of aggregates and asphalts. Hydrated lime addition levels of 1.0 to 1.5% by weight of the aggregate are usually sufficient to reduce water stripping. In addition, hydrated lime added as a mineral filler, has been shown to increase viscosity of the binder, as well as increasing the stiffness, tensile strength, compressive strength and resistance to rutting, all of which increase the durability of the mix. Rutting is permanent deformation of the asphalt, caused when elasticity of the material is exceeded. Unlike most mineral fillers, lime is chemically active rather than inert. It reacts with the bitumen, removing undesirable components at the same time that its tiny particles disperse throughout the mix, making the pavement more resistant to rutting and fatigue cracking. Hydrated lime also has the ability to reduce cracking that can result from causes other than ageing, such as fatigue at low temperatures. Cracking often occurs due to the formation of microcracks. These microcracks are intercepted and deflected by tiny particles of hydrated lime. Lime tends to reduce cracking more than inactive fillers due to the reaction between the lime and the polar molecules in the asphalt cement, which increases the effective volume of the lime particles by surrounding them with large organic chains. Consequently, the lime particles are better able to intercept and deflect microcracks, preventing them from growing together into large cracks that can ultimately end in pavement failure. Overall, the broad array of benefits that result from the addition of hydrated lime to HMA work together to produce a superior high performance product. Although the benefits here have been described individually, they all work synergistically, contributing in multiple ways to the improvement of the final product. Synergistic benefits also occur when lime is used in conjunction with polymer modifiers, and recent research has shown that in certain circumstances lime and polymers when used together can in fact produce improvements greater then each of them used alone. Adding Hydrated Lime to Hot Mix Asphalt Hydrated lime can be added to HMA in a number of ways. This can be done as part of a mixed filler aggregate or through a separate system. Adding hydrated lime to HMA is a simple process, on which BLA members can advise. A general rule of thumb for the application rate tends to be one percent by weight of the mix, though in cases where severe stripping is anticipated the application may increase. Both powdered hydrated lime and milk of lime meeting the requirements of Types CL 70, 80 or 90 are most suitable, along with Type S dolomitic limes. The future of Lime in Asphalt: Hydrated lime has been recognised for many years as the premier asphalt modifier to correct water stripping problems. As its use has grown worldwide (particularly in the US) many other benefits have been identified, both in the laboratory as well as numerous field projects. The need to produce high performance asphalt pavements increases the importance of lime as a multi-functional asphalt modifier. Transport professionals and the public demand high performance asphalt pavements and hydrated lime provides an important tool to help meet those demands. CONSERVATION / HERITAGE Buildings pre 1900 would not have been built with cement but with a lime mortar. Therefore in order to conserve these buildings it is essential to use similar materials when doing so. To introduce cement or cementitious mortar would cause decaying due to the difference in chemical composition of cement and inevitably result in irreversible damage. Hydraulic lime mortars, hydraulic lime plasters and renders and lime putty are therefore all used for the restoration of the UK and the majority of Europes built heritage. The restoration of these buildings is often important for surrounding communities, providing them with lasting historical and cultural heritage, prolonging the buildings use as a tourist attraction, and often even increasing the aesthetic appeal of the local area. HOW LIME IS MADE Where it all begins Limestone / chalk is a naturally occurring mineral that consists principally of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). It occurs widely throughout the world with the UK being no exception. The whole process of making any type of lime all begins back at the limestone quarries. After gaining planning permission to quarry the area, careful surveys and preparation is carried out into locating and drilling holes behind the rock face into which explosives are placed. When detonated, the explosion dislodges up to 30,000 tonnes of stone each time. This is then picked up at the quarry face by huge, mechanised excavators which work along a bench of rock. Typically these benches have rock faces about 20 metres high. The excavators then either load the stone into equally large tipper trucks, each carrying up to 100 tonnes of stone per trip or on to a conveyor system. The limestone / chalk is transported across the quarry to begin its processing. Crushing The trucks then tip the limestone into a large primary crusher which usually relies on either impact or compression to break the rock. Depending on the size of the feedstone required and the kiln in which it will fed into, the same stone can go through a second and even tertiary crusher to reduce its mass even further. The stone is then screened into a wide range of different sizes from 125mm kiln stone all the way down to dust. Some of the stone at this point is washed to remove any clay particles that may remain. Kiln zone This processed stone is then transferred by conveyors to the lime kilns. The lime burning process within the kilns requires enough heat to be transferred to the limestone in order to decompose the calcium and magnesium carbonates. Heat transfer for lime burning can be divided into three main stages: Preheating zone  -  limestone is heated to approximately 800 °C by direct contact with gases leaving the calcining zone. Calcining zone  -  fuel is burnt in preheated air from the cooling zone. This produces heat at above 900 °C and turns limestone into quicklime and CO2. Cooling zone  -  quicklime leaving the calcining zone at 900 °C is cooled by direct contact with cooling air. There are currently three distinct types of kiln operating in the UK, these include; shaft kilns, rotary kilns and twin shaft parallel flow regenerative kilns. Each kiln is selected depending on the nature of the feedstone used and the quality of quicklime required.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Shaft kilns Residence time approx 36 hours. Produces medium carbonate / medium reactivity quicklime (Ca0). Used mainly in steel industry processing. Major feed for hydrated lime manufacture. Shaft kilns can use limestone from a minimum of 20mm up to 175mm. Some shaft kilns can be operated on natural gas, liquid and solid fuels. This type of kiln tends to produce medium reactivity quicklime which can then be used in a number of industrial processes including the manufacture of iron and steel, and aerated concrete blocks. Quicklime from shaft kilns is also processed into hydrated lime (see Hydrate zone).    Rotary kilns Residence time approx 5 hours. Extremely flexible processing. Quick change-over to different specifications within 3/4 hours. Low carbonate grades for stainless steel processing. Can be fired on coal or gas.    The rotary kiln consists of a rotating cylinder inclined at an angle of 3 to 4 degrees to the horizontal. Limestone or dolomite is fed into the upper back end, and fuel plus combustion air is fired into the lower front end. The product is then discharged from the kiln into a cooler, where it is used to pre-heat the combustion air. Kilns of this type are usually fed with stone ranging in size from 15mm to 40mm and are fuelled by a range of fuels including coal, petroleum coke, natural gas and recycled materials. They are used to produce dolomitic lime, and highier purity quicklime used for the manufacture of low-carbon steel, fibreglass and healthcare products. Rotary kilns are also used to fire dolomite at high temperature to produce sintered dolomite for the production of dolomitic refractories. Twin Shaft Parallel Flow Regenerative kilns Residence time approx 18 hours. Flexible and controllable. Produces medium and low carbonate / high reactivity quicklime (CaO). Twin shaft operation gives good thermal efficiency. Uses: steel industry processing, ground into fine powders for concrete block production and environmental effluent treatment markets. Twin shaft parallel flow regenerative kilns have two inter-connected, vertical shafts which are fired in sequence to achieve excellent energy efficiency. The limestone size used by these kilns is usually between 90mm and 125mm. They are on the whole fuelled by natural gas and produce high reactivity and high purity quicklime which is often used in industrial effluent treatment, domestic sewage treatment, manufacture of aerated concrete blocks, steelmaking and soil stabilisation. Hydration plant Quicklime can be processed even further into hydrated lime. Depending on the facilities at the quarry, this can occur either on site or by transporting the lime to a separate hydrating plant. A basic hydrating plant consists of four stages: Quicklime handling and crushing Hydration Classification Storage and despatch Sophisticated control and monitoring systems maintain end-product purity, consistency and quality. Flexibility of using quicklime feed from different kilns to give specific characteristics to meet customers requirements. Quicklime can be processed even further into hydrated lime. Depending on the facilities at the quarry, this can occur either on site or by transporting the lime to a separate hydrating plant. A basic hydrating plant consists of four stages: Quicklime handling and crushing Hydration Classification Storage and despatch Handling and Crushing Where the removal of impurities in the hydrating plant is not important, the quicklime is often reduced in size using impact breakers. In other circumstances, rolls and jaw crushers, or cone mills may be used. Hydration: Hydrators usually consist of three main sections prehydrator, hydrator and finishing stage. The plant consists of numerous paddles that help to mix the water and quicklime quickly and efficiently from start to finish. The plant is kept under slight suction to prevent any dust emission throughout the process. The final moisture content of the raw hydrate after the finishing stage is usually about 1%. Classification: The raw hydrate is then taken from the hydrator to the classification plant. Depending on the customers specification, the raw hydrate can be adjusted and cut even further to meet their requirements. Storage and despatch: Finished products, whether they be dolomitic lime, quicklime or hydrated lime, can be either stored on site prior to dispatch by rail or road, or alternatively can be packed into bags which are then purchased by a range of customers, including steelmakers, DIY stores and builders merchants. The Application of Lime in Building Lime is in its original state, calcium carbonate. It is anti-bacterial, resistant to ultra-violet light, and will allow moisture to release from surfaces from the inside out, rather than trapping moisture, as some other modern coatings can do. It allows the moisture in, but unlike other compounds, allows it out again. When worked into a plaster form, lime absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then forms a strong yet permeable coat of limestone. Lime plasters are known for being very slow-drying, which allows them to gain strength over a few days, rather than setting very quickly. This can allow the lime plaster to be re-worked if necessary. The forms that lime can be used in are as follows: Lime putty Lime mortar: this is lime putty mixed with sand. This can be used to bed in masonry, and is also used in pointing or rendering brickwork, and for general plastering use. Lime wash: this is lime putty diluted in water. This is used to paint internal and external walls. A pigment can be added to create a colour wash. The National Lime Association recommends adding a small amount of cement with lime and sand in a 1:2:9 mix to make a really tough mortar or plaster mix. However, there are several brands offering cement-free ready mixes available on the market, including quicklime which needs Prickly Pear Cactus Gel (Nopal) added as a binding agent, and many builders will naturally work to their own mixes, or work with a client or architect on creating the right blend for each specific job.