Friday, December 27, 2019

Native Americans Analytical Essay - 1200 Words

University of Puerto Rico in Bayamà ³n English Department Native Americans Analytical Essay Jhon Smith 841-03-9669 INGL 3326 LJ1 Dr. Vallejo Native Americans Analytic Essay Among the many cultures around the world, the Native American community is one of the many minorities who have gone through horrid times and still struggle to preserve their traditions. Their submission to the mainstream Anglo-Americans has led to a lot of issues. These are presented in Blue Winds Dancing by Tom White Cloud, This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona by Sherman J. Alexie, and Black Elk Speaks by Black Elk for comparison. Of all the different narratives, pieces, and poems read about native Americans. These three drew particular†¦show more content†¦To this day and age, Native American tribes are segregated from the rest of the community with Reserves and Preservation camps, where they can do their way of life but only to a limit of their former cultural potential. As for This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona, loss and change in culture is presented by the customary reservations made specifically for Indians. Their cultural resources left are limited even more each passing day and they are forced to cope with the mainstream American civilization. As an example in this narrative, the main characters: Victor and Thomas had to make do with the little American money they had. For their journey, they also had to resort to an old truck, acquired only because of Victors fathers death in order to be able to come back home. The loss and change in culture is also present in Blue Winds Dancing. In the narrative, the author has to travel by catching trains (literally) just so he can reach his destination for civilized education while enduring insults and being cast away by the American society . As the author says: ...we just dont seem to fit anywhere. Certainly not among the whites.... In simple and true words, this is just what the Native Amer ican community faces each single day. Thanks to ignorance, anger and remorse; confusion with ones identity occurs in all three narratives although in different ways and perspectives. In Blue Winds Dancing, the narrative This Is What ItShow MoreRelatedIndians in Unexpected Places Essay902 Words   |  4 PagesDeloria, with his analytical survey, Indians in Unexpected Places, recounts the synthesis of western white expectations, and American Indians. The book takes its title from the general thesis, which explores not only the relationship between Indians and their introduction into an alien culture, but also the expectations that we have of Indians and how they â€Å"should† interact with our white western culture. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The term “Manifest Destiny” was, in part, an expression of...

The term â€Å"Manifest Destiny† was, in part, an expression of a genuine ideal on the part of Americans. Yet it was also a justification to a push and to assume territory. The idea of Manifest Destiny was sparked by revolutionary American writings that encouraged appropriation of Canada. These writings rationalized that the Louisiana Purchase and the Untied States’ annexation of Texas ordained American complete domination of the North American continent. More broadly stated, Manifest destiny was a conviction that God intended North America to be under the control Americans. It’s an assertion of Anglo-Saxon supremacy. Imbedded in the notion of Manifest Destiny is an American hypocrisy of the 1st Order. While its founding documents espoused†¦show more content†¦Opposition to U.S. expansion included the East Coast, which felt it would lose power with the admission of more states in to the Union. The abolitionists in the North were also afraid that the conquest of Mexico would add more slave territory into the United States. The Manifest Destiny beliefs clearly explained how Texas annexation was a natural expansion of the United States-a logical sequel to the Louisiana Purchase. Controversy arose from the annexation of a huge section of Mexico and the fears these lands meant the expansion of slavery. John Quincy Adams, a member of the House of Representatives, stated, We hesitate not to say that annexation of Texas, effected by any act or proceeding of the Federal Government, or any of its departments, would be identical with dissolution. It would be a violation of our national compact, its objects, designs, and the great elementary principles with entered into its formation, of a character so deep and fundamental, and would be an attempt to authorize an institution and a power of a nature so unjust in themselves, so injurious to the interests and abhorrent to the feelings of the people of the Free States, as, in our opinion, not only inevitably to result in a dissolution of the Union, but fully to justi fy it; and we not only assert that the people of the Free States ought not to submit to it, butShow MoreRelatedRole of education in personality development13618 Words   |  55 Pageshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh flux, we find that the fixity and the flux are only relative terms, and in the movement of Nature, nothing is fixed. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

California Los Nag lees free essay sample

And would they be in that same situation? Hialeah was born in Assayer, Reiterate in 1934. He left the monastery at nine y ears old and went to his other relative, who was nicer, but didnt have enough money to fully us port him. He worked as a cleaner at a local hospital, and while he cleaned up he would listed n to the doctors talk. Later, he took a test to qualify as a full purpose dresser. He would events ally flee his home and become a refugee in the US. Ha Long was born in Vietnam, Ho Chi Mini City in 1943.He had a wealthy and well educated family. His family supported him to study no blew school in Vietnam; also, he was humble and loved to volunteer. Besides, he got an offer from the Vietnam National University in 1 960, which was one of the top three Universities in Vie team. We will write a custom essay sample on California Los Nag lees or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Unfortunately, the Vietnam War was happening at the same time. The city WA s in a mess and the government announced that anyone above 1 8 needs to be enlisted into the a army. Therefore, a lot of Intelligentsia tried to escape from the war.He ended up becoming a refuge e in the US. The causes for immigration were the same for both and their situations were similar. They were both Intelligentsia in their countries. Hialeah was the best dancer and doctor; he was good with he basics of science and Ha Long was a talented student; he was good at Ma thematic and Biology. In addition, Hialeah and Ha Long both flew to the US and went for us rival. Hialeah over came the civil war in Ethiopia as well as Ha Long over came the war in Vi Ethan. In addition, their son and daughter also graduated from university of Harvard. Hialeah and Ha Long had different lifestyles after they arrived to the US. For Hialeah, he flew to the US with his wife and three kids, as opposed to Ha Long who went to the US alone. Ha Long Went to live with his rich relative in Southern Mississippi after he went to US; e worked in his relative?s shop for a year. He really wanted to finish his degree because he WA s already 1 9 years old.Therefore, his relative sent him to University of Southern Mississippi, whew re he got his scholarship. He also finished his Masters degree in 1967 and met his wife at t he University of Southern Mississippi; he got married to his wife and had a daughter with her. Besides, Ha Long passed away at ninety years old, therefore he could attend his daughters grab tuition and marriage ceremony. In contrast to, Hailers life, it was much harder than Ha Longs aft r he moved to US. He didnt have any relatives to help him out and settled down his entire FAA mill alone.Luckily, he got a job as a janitor at Wheaton College but he worked there for o only a few months, and then his eyesight started to fail. Eventually, Hailers physical condition worsened; he couldnt work and spent his time in the house. In addition, he was involved in a car accident which led to his early death. Ha Loons life was more lucky and stable as pop seed to Hailers life which a lot miserable. These are some similarities and differences but the most different was that H i Long had better fortune.He had a relative supporting his education which led to the completion of his degree in University; also, he became a professor at the University of California Los Nag lees. Therefore, he had a better life after he arrived to the US. On the contrary to Hailers life, he had a much more difficult life upon his arrival to the US. He had trouble finding his job; he work De there just for a few months before his eyesight started to fail. In addition, he could not see hi s son graduate from the famous school, the University of Harvard. Brainstorming: Bubble Cluster: Outline:

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tupac Shakur A Brief Orview Essays - Tupac Shakur, Gangsta Rappers

tupac shakur a brief orview joe tafolla On June 17, 1971 Tupac Amaru Shakur was born in East Harlem public hospital New York. His mother Afeni Shakur spent part of her pregnancy with Tupac in New York Womens Correctional Facility due to the many charges brought against her and twenty other Black Panther members, one of which included a conspiracy to bomb many public buildings in New York (Powell 22). The case against her dragged on for twenty-five months. While on bail she courted two men-Legs, a straight up gangster who did whatever necessary to make money and Billy a member of the Black Panther party (Powell 22). Afeni says that Tupac Amaru is the name of an Inca chief meaning Shinning serpent, while Shakur is Arabic meaning Thankful to god(qtd in Shakur 22). Afeni states that this name was the only one fitting enough for her miracle baby. By this she means that she thought that it was a miracle that she not only got to keep him but the fact that he survived while inside her. She states that while in prison she had to fight for an extra egg and a glass of milk each day (some of the basic nutrients needed to deliver a strong healthy baby). In 1986 Tupac and Afeni move to Baltimore where Tupac enrolled himself into the Baltimore school For The Performing Arts (Marriott NYT). It is here that Tupac first finds his sense of identity. Tupac states in Vibe magazine that since he and his mother did so much moving around, he was never really able to find friends that he had ties to, he states that he felt like he never really fit in anywhere because he was from everywhere. It is in Baltimore that Tupac is finally exposed to white people. He says that it is at his school that he finally got to interact with white people and they were not half bad, that not all of them were out to fuck a nigga over(Powell 23). It is at the Baltimore school where he first learns to write his first raps, under the name MC New York. At the end of his sophomore year his mother moved again, this time all the way to Marin City California. Tupac says that he still has not gotten over the fact that he had to move. Afeni leaving numerous messages back on the east coast trying to inform Legs of her recent move, so he will know where to find her when he gets out of prison dies shortly after he is released due to a heart attack caused by over dosing on crack cocaine. Tupac was never able to say good-bye to the only father that he ever knew. Marine City is across the bay from Oakland. Nicknamed the jungle because niggas there like to kick up dust (Powell 27). Afeni states that Marin City is essentially one giant housing complex. She states when he got to the west coast Tupac was taught the streets, or more so he started to learn the hard lessons of manhood that she couldnt teach him (Powell 27). It is in 1988 that Tupac drops out of high school stating, I just couldnt fit in and starts selling drugs for a near by neighborhood gang (qtd in Times March 10). Tupac says that he could cook, sew and clean house, but he just didnt feel hard. His mother did everything that she could do, but Afeni couldnt give him what he yearned for most, to be tuff (Pareles March 30). Tupac credits the loss of his manly figures throughout his life to his strong yearning to be accepted by the gangsters and feared by average citizen. Shortly after Tupac drops out of high school he moved in with a neighbor. Tupac would have to sell drugs to be able to stay in the house. Tupac states, I was in the streets before but only as my mothers son(Times Sept. 23). Tupac felt that he was old enough to make it on his own. Tupac says that his mother was always moving and he remembers promising himself that when he got old enough he would move out and find his own roots, a place