Friday, December 27, 2019

Native Americans Analytical Essay - 1200 Words

University of Puerto Rico in Bayamà ³n English Department Native Americans Analytical Essay Jhon Smith 841-03-9669 INGL 3326 LJ1 Dr. Vallejo Native Americans Analytic Essay Among the many cultures around the world, the Native American community is one of the many minorities who have gone through horrid times and still struggle to preserve their traditions. Their submission to the mainstream Anglo-Americans has led to a lot of issues. These are presented in Blue Winds Dancing by Tom White Cloud, This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona by Sherman J. Alexie, and Black Elk Speaks by Black Elk for comparison. Of all the different narratives, pieces, and poems read about native Americans. These three drew particular†¦show more content†¦To this day and age, Native American tribes are segregated from the rest of the community with Reserves and Preservation camps, where they can do their way of life but only to a limit of their former cultural potential. As for This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona, loss and change in culture is presented by the customary reservations made specifically for Indians. Their cultural resources left are limited even more each passing day and they are forced to cope with the mainstream American civilization. As an example in this narrative, the main characters: Victor and Thomas had to make do with the little American money they had. For their journey, they also had to resort to an old truck, acquired only because of Victors fathers death in order to be able to come back home. The loss and change in culture is also present in Blue Winds Dancing. In the narrative, the author has to travel by catching trains (literally) just so he can reach his destination for civilized education while enduring insults and being cast away by the American society . As the author says: ...we just dont seem to fit anywhere. Certainly not among the whites.... In simple and true words, this is just what the Native Amer ican community faces each single day. Thanks to ignorance, anger and remorse; confusion with ones identity occurs in all three narratives although in different ways and perspectives. In Blue Winds Dancing, the narrative This Is What ItShow MoreRelatedIndians in Unexpected Places Essay902 Words   |  4 PagesDeloria, with his analytical survey, Indians in Unexpected Places, recounts the synthesis of western white expectations, and American Indians. The book takes its title from the general thesis, which explores not only the relationship between Indians and their introduction into an alien culture, but also the expectations that we have of Indians and how they â€Å"should† interact with our white western culture. 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