Friday, February 7, 2020

Assessing The Current Administration In Your Church Research Paper

Assessing The Current Administration In Your Church - Research Paper Example Administration and management describes to the organization’s individual processes and assists institution utilize their resources effectively. In our church, administration is all about growing the people. Administration is very important if the church has to realize its mission2. Church management or administration is an art, a gift, and a science. As an art, administration entails relational timing, intuition, and sensitivity. The skills of these artistic individuals are mostly natural talents but can be improved to some extent through training and experience. As a science, the management of church entails processes that can be learned through practice and study. In the book of 1 Corinthians 12:38, Apostle Paul defines administration as a spiritual gift. Various translations of the New Statement describe this gift with phrases such as forms of leadership, workers of spiritual power, power to guide, and governments3. Our church’s administration firmly believes in the leadership of the holy spirit even as the church relies on the direction of the church leaders. Good administration starts with the purpose of the church and attempts to assist the church in realizing its purpose. Church management and administration permits the church to yoke individuals and use material resources in an effective manner. It is important to states that administrative department of the church should consist of the following five purposes and they include human/personnel resources, accounts/finance, information technology (IT), and maintenance unit. Every purpose should entail a unit/team in the church for effectiveness and ease of administration. Thus, everything done in the church must follow the five purposes4. In our church, there are several departments/ministries including youth, children, ushering, worship, among others. The various ministries work together to achieve the five purposes mainly through the leaders and with the participation of the lay people. The strategic design of a church based ministry is a collection of all the strategic plans of the different departments or arms of the church. For instance, the children’s group leader should design a strategic plan (short or long-term plan) for children ministry. The plan is based on the vision that was offered to the pastor5. The rest of the strategic plans are brought together, discussed and agreed upon to be the action guide for the ministry to carry out its vision. As aforementioned, planning can be long or short-term6. In our church, plans are normally drawn by the church leaders that cover the activities to be done for the entire year. A church strategic plan can entail a strategic spiritual growth plan. This plan entails an understandable programme of events that enables the members of the church to grow spiritually. It is important to note here that the relevance of the programmes matters a lot. At times, it is better to list programmes for spaced growth of the people. Individuals do not grow through the church programs but by what they do at their homes through the teachings, they received7. Each ministry in our church normally comes up with a strategic plan for the spiritual growth of the church. These plans are discussed, ironed out and implemented by the church administration. Planning is thinking about how

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