Sunday, January 5, 2020

A World Too Dependant on Technology - 912 Words

English III Mr. Brown August 18, 2011 We live in a world that is â€Å"Technologically civilized†, meaning we cannot function without technology. With today’s continuous advances, technology has now became a necessity rather a luxury. Gaining information on the internet has made people become lazier and illiterate. Social interactions between people today are very dependant on technology, which will lead to the cease of face-to-face communications. Technology can do more harm than good if humankind’s association with it increases even more. First of all, people are becoming more and more dependant on the availability of information. When seeking information, most people would use the internet rather than searching in a book. Many†¦show more content†¦In the words of Albert Einstein, â€Å"It has been appallingly obvious that technology has exceeded our humanity.† Demonstrating that one day technology around us will surpass us, Einstein supports that we are slowly letting technology take over our lives. With technology everywhere today, we find ourselves often procrastinating with it. Studies have shown that people are beginning to spend time on everything but work while at work. The technologic work atmosphere of E-mail, internet and handheld media devices, it is very easy to let it all consume your life. Technology can make us alter the way we act and think, thus losing all ability to function as a human being. Consequently, we are so dependant on technology, that if it crashed, the world would crash all together too. If we had lost our connection to the internet, many people would simply have to resort to older methods of living life. We can be less dependant on technology to control our lives and find alternatives to live without it. Accordingly, humans should not let themselves become so enveloped in technology, that if it ceases to exist, we would too. Finally, in today’s society it is impossible to live without technology, while it destroys our abilities to think for ourselves and perform simple tasks. We have become so dependant on it that we believe almost anything on the internet. Our literacy skills are slowly being lowered as technology dominates us, we constantly misspell simple words. The worldShow MoreRelatedOur Helpless Dependance on Technology1674 Words   |  7 PagesTechnology started out as a necessity, people needed it back when they werent guaranteed safety, heat, shelter etc. Technology similarly started off by accidental discoveries that slowly morphed into technology today. Technology in the past is much more different than what it is today. Take the example of fire. 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