Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay on John Wayne Gacy - 1494 Words

John Wayne Gacy was born in Chicago, Illinois on March 17 1942. Gacy had an uneventful childhood up until the age of eleven. While out playing he had been struck on the head by a swing. Subsequently he suffered fainting fits for many years. Gacy graduated from business school and went on to work as a shoe salesman for the Nunn Bush shoe company. Gacy met and then married work colleague Marilynn Myres in 1964. The marriage ended when Gacy was imprisoned for ten years at a correctional institute in Waterloo, Iowa for various sex and violent crimes against young men. In 1971 Gacy was arrested again for trying to rape a teenage boy. John Wayne Gacy was married for the second time in 1972 to Carol Hoff. He set up a business as a†¦show more content†¦When investigating officers paid a visit to 8213 West Summerdale Avenue, Des Plaines, they followed the unpleasant smell to a trap door that led to the crawl space under Gacys house. On Friday, December 22, 1978, Gacy finally confessed to police that he killed at least thirty people and buried most of the remains of the victims beneath the crawl space of his house. According to the book Killer Clown: The John Wayne Gacy Murders by Sullivan and Maiken, Gacy said that, quot;his first killing took place in January, 1972, and the second in January, 1974, about a year and a half after his marriage.quot; He further confessed that he would lure his victims into being handcuffed and then he would sexually assault them. To muffle the screams of his victims, he would stuff a sock or underwear into their mouths and kill them by pulling a rope or board against their throats, as he raped them. Gacy admitted to sometimes keeping the dead bodies under his bed or in the attic for several hours before eventually burying them in the crawl space. On the first day that the police began their digging, they found two bodies. One of the bodies was buried under the garage. The other body was the one found in the crawl space. As the days passed, the body count grew higher. Some of the victims were found with their underwear still lodged deep in their throats. Other victims were buried so close together that police believed theyShow MoreRelatedJohn Wayne Gacy1511 Words   |  7 PagesJohn Wayne Gacy was born in Chicago, Illinois on March 17 1942. Gacy had an uneventful childhood up until the age of eleven. While out playing he had been struck on the head by a swing. Subsequently he suffered fainting fits for many years. Gacy graduated from business school and went on to work as a shoe salesman for the Nunn Bush shoe company. Gacy met and then married work colleague Marilynn Myres in 1964. The marriage ended when Gacy was imprisoned for ten years at a correctional instituteRead MoreJohn Wayne Gacy2054 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿ John Wayne Gacy Edward Low Criminology Fall 2013 Professor Ortiz INTRODUCTION On March 17, 1942, John Wayne Gacy was born into an Irish middle-class family. His parents were Marion Gacy and John Gacy Sr. Gacy Jr. had enjoyed a uninteresting childhood until he suffered a head injury at a playground when he was 11. Up until age 16, Gacy had suffered blackouts due to the injury. After all he was put through, he worshipped his fatherRead MoreJohn Wayne Gacy Jr.4936 Words   |  20 Pagescriminal does what they do. John Wayne Gacy was born on May 17 (St. Patrick’s Day), 1942 to Marion Elaine Robinson Gacy and John Wayne Gacy, Sr. at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago. He was the second of three children. His older sister Joanne had preceded him by two years and two years after his birth came his sister Karen. The Gacy children were raised as Catholics and attended Catholic School (Taylor 2003). The neighborhood where Gacy grew up was a middle class neighborhood. Gacy, along with many of theRead MoreSerial Killer : John Wayne Gacy1846 Words   |  8 Pagesnotious serial killer is John Wayne Gacy also known as the clown man . John Wayne was born on March 17, 1942 in , Chicago ,illnois. he is son ofMarion Elaine Robinson and John Stanley Gacy. John is the only boy and he is the second oldest out three kids. He is of polish and Danish heritage Gacy and his siblings grew up with a drunken father who would beat the children with a razor strap if they would misbehave. He came from a middle class family . at the age of 11 john suffered from a a headRead MoreJohn Wayne Gacy s Life1267 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Wayne Gacy was born to a typical Chicago blue collar couple. His father was a World War I veteran who worked as a machinist and his mother was a homemaker. 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When Gacy was elevenRead MoreInfamous serial killer, John Wayne Gacy, was born on March 17, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois. Gacy,500 Words   |  2 Pages Infamous serial killer, John Wayne Gacy, was born on March 17, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois. Gacy, born into an abusive environment, was assaulted physically along with his siblings, with a razor strap if they were perceived to have misbehaved by their alcoholic father. In addition, Gacy’s mother was physically abused as well throughout her marriage and during the children’s upbringing. During John Wayne Gacy’s childhood education, he suffered further alienation due to a congenital heart conditionRead MoreThe Case Of John Wayne Gacy1254 Words   |  6 Pagesmedically treated. Although, not all of these people should be allowed back into society after they have reached their sanity. Some extreme cases such as the case of John Wayne Gacy who was proven insane should still never be let back onto the public streets. J ohn Wayne Gacy murdered and raped 33 young men from the Chicago area then plead and Gacy was found insane. Thankfully Gacy’s insanity was ignored and he was sentenced to death. Some cases of insanity should be sentenced properly with treatment afterRead MoreTheories Of John Wayne Gacy1313 Words   |  6 PagesSerial killers such as John Wayne Gacy fall into some of the theories of deviance. The theories John Wayne Gacy falls into are the control theory and the antisocial personality disorder theory. John Wayne Gacy was born on March 17, 1942. He grew up in a Roman Catholic family. When Gacy was young he had an abusive father. His father would psychologically and physically abuse him. Gacy dropped out of highschool but later on went to college and graduated from business college. Gacy was also attracted toRead MoreCase Profile Of John Wayne Gacy1291 Words   |  6 Pages Criminal Profile of John Wayne Gacy John Gacy was a serial killer and rapist who sexually assaulted, tortured, and murdered thirty-three teenage and young men, John’s method of his murders would be by strangling them. These crimes were done between the years of 1972 and 1978, he was convicted of his crime in 1968 and found guilty in 1980. Gacy was born on March 17.,1942 in Chicago, Illinois. Growing up John had a very abusive childhood and also had a hard time with his sexuality. His alcoholic

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