Friday, May 15, 2020

Juvenile Delinquency Is A Crime Committed By A Young Person

The Juvenile is a young person who is between ages ten to eighteen and dependent on others for their survival. Delinquency refers to a crime committed by a young person. Juvenile Delinquency, for this reason, refers to a crime committed by a minor. The transition from childhood to adulthood is tough for some minors who end up in participating in criminal activities for survival. Much blame has been on the fall of social values, family ties and individuals. The disintegration of family norms has also contributed to increased crime rates. Most delinquents operate in groups and are usually under the influence of drugs. The following two studies check on the factors resulting in delinquency in minors. Title 1; Exploring Long-Term and Short-Term Risk Factors for Serious Delinquency The research question for the study was; Does a relationship between short-term risk factors and serious delinquency in relation to accumulated long-term risk factors. The article uses two approaches to answering the above questions; risk factor approach and situational approach (Van der Laan, Bloom Kleemans, 2009, p.420).The risk factor approach explain juvenile delinquency. Long-term risk factors are in different places and determine the behavior over long periods. An accumulation of long-term risks including insufficient parental care, antisocial behavior, poor school performance, results in a serious delinquent. The short-term risks depend on a situation that a person is in which may cause theShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquency in the United States1585 Words   |  6 PagesJuvenile Crime Statistics Wendy R Swartz Keiser University Abstract: In this document, the topic of juvenile delinquency in the United States is thoroughly examined. Approximately 1.5 million minors (those are citizens who are under the age of 18) are arrested for criminal activity each year in the US. 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